Sunday, December 26, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Dear Lord,
Bigyan niyo naman po ako ng maraming assignment sa payu ngayon buwan na ito. bigyan mo naman ako ng atleast di bababa sa isang daan na assignment per blog sa isang linggo. Wala pong ibang makagagawa nito kundi Kayo lang po!
Sa pangalan ni Hesus! Amen.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Wish I could do more
You know what happen today. met people that are desperate of getting something. But I myself don't know what to do.
But You oh Lord could do the impossible.
Please help them! give them what they need. Make them turn to you for help! and please send people their way to help them. Sincere people oh Lord... with a genuine heart.
Bless your name!
this I pray in Jesus name. Amen.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Praying that...
... my goal to get 10 or more task from payu every two weeks will be granted. I've been praying that this will happen (I mean that I will be able to get more task, and indeed you answered it.) But this time I have a goal so that I will be able to get more payment from payu and I will be able to pay my obligations and could also still contribute with hubby's savings and could still buy food and have some extra left money in my pocket.
Lord I know that this is not a big thing with you because you own the heaven and the earth and all that is in it belongs to you too. And if you are willing... my prayers will be granted. also promised me a family... now you have given me a husband and we've together for two years and five months but still no babies. We once prayed and open your Word and in it your promise. Now I am claiming it and declaring it and praying for it to happen soon or even now... that I am conceiving already... that even though I don't know it yet... I am pregnant.... that this year won't end without me getting pregnant. Lord... YOU promised!
In Jesus Name, Amen!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Thank you Lord for today, you made my heart leap for joy because you blessed me with more task to write from a paid link post.
Thank you Lord for answering our prayers in your special way.
Thank you Lord for you know all my needs and all my desire because you are an all knowing God!
thank you Father God!
This I pray in Jesus name. Amen.
Friday, November 19, 2010
eto na naman po ako Ama.
Minsan di ko maipaliwanag kung ano ang aking nararamdaman.
Marami po kasing akong gustong gawin.
Na di kayang gawin mag-isa o minsan pinagpipilitan ko kahit ayaw mo.
kadalasan ay nabibigatan ako.
Pano po kasi....
I've done things without acquiring you!
Gusto po namin kumuha ng bahay.
Kaso lang mahal.
Ayaw ni Andrew kasi natatakot siyang di makabayad.
Ako naman po ay go lang ng go.
Confident kasi ako sa mga pangako mo.
Pero... wala akong magawa.
Malakas ang will ni Andrew.
Sabi mo kasi din... mag submit ako sa kanya.
Kaya kahit ayaw ko... napapa-oo nalang.
Para walang away, at ayaw ko din masisi pagdating sa huli.
Kaya please... direct us as we decide of things.
And make us prosper in all we do.
Give us the desires of our hearts as we remain in you!
We need you as we are deciding of our next year house move.
Please... let your angles... prepare the way for us.
Give us your favor of abundant blessing in all areas of our life.
Give us your grace, mercy and love.
All the days of our lives.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
hear its cry...
Lord..... please look at my heart and read wants in it aloud! shout it loud enough that you could hear its cry.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
YM Team Devo today!
"Attempt great things for God, and expect great things from God!"
Philippians 4:15
"I can do everything through him who gives me strength."
Philippians 4:19
"And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."
Ephesians 3:20-21
"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Monday, November 8, 2010
..sabi ni Lord sa akin "don't tell that your sorry coz you're not, You're only sorry you got caught!"
Buti nalang you don't tell me "it's over now!"
Thank you Lord for today!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Nagpunta kami ng aking mahal na asawa sa mall of asia ngaun hapon. Sa aming paglalakad-lakad ay aming nadaan ang mga nagbebenta ng bahay at lupa. Huminto kami dito at tumingin-tingin dahil isa ito sa aming pinakanais-nais na makuha sa darating na taon.
Sabi nila na bukas daw po ay may opening at viewing ng bahay... at kung gusto daw po namin na sumama.
..Lord, it is your will for us to go tomorrow?.. if yes, then let us go and if not hinder us.
Let your will be done in our lives since we give it to you.
Yet.. you know the desires of our hearts.. do whatever your will!
Friday, November 5, 2010
...You know how I feel today and you saw everything I did, I really don't feel doing anything not even reading your Word, please forgive me and give me the strength to change.
Thank you for being there always in my high and low time.
Love you Father God!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Cambodia Mission Trip
Cambodia here we comes!
praise you dear Lord for all the provisions for this trip!
may Your name be glorified!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
God is good!
I praise God for He is good!
no words could ever express how beautiful and awesome He is!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
1Corinthians 2
1Co 2:1 When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God.
1Co 2:2 For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.
1Co 2:3 I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling.
1Co 2:4 My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power,
1Co 2:5 so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power.
1Co 2:6 We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing.
1Co 2:7 No, we speak of God's secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began.
1Co 2:8 None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
1Co 2:9 However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"--
1Co 2:10 but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.
1Co 2:11 For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.
1Co 2:12 We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us.
1Co 2:13 This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.
1Co 2:14 The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.
1Co 2:15 The spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself is not subject to any man's judgment:
1Co 2:16 "For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him?" But we have the mind of Christ.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Harvest Thoughts
Harvest Thoughts
He went through the cornfields on the Sabbath day— Mar_2:23
Christ Introduces the Evidential Value of the Ordinary
Harvest helps us to recapture the thought of God in the common things of nature. We do not bring what is rare into the sanctuary; we bring the common products of the fields. Our Lord's outlook upon nature differs somewhat from that of the Old Testament. There generally (though not always) God is recognized in the stupendous. In the roaring cataract, in the thunder, in the cedar which overtopped its neighbors, the Jew saw the signature of heaven, and found his testimony to Jehovah. The wonderful thing about our Lord is how He introduced another scale of values. He recognized, as none had done before Him, the evidential value of the ordinary. For Him the sparrows chattering on the housetops, and the mustard plant, and the lilies of the field were the scattered witnesses of God and the inconspicuous sacraments of heaven. It is a great thing to see God in the miracle; it is a greater to find Him in the usual. It is easier to recognize Him in an escape from death than in the recurring mercies of the day. And harvest-time, is very congenial to the mind of Christ, with its passionate insistence on the common. We do not search out rare and curious fruits for the adornment of the house of God. The sheaves, and the red berries, and the common vegetables are enough. Seeing as Jesus saw, we do not need now to limit heaven to the extraordinary. We recognize and adore God in the usual.
Harvest Awakens Us to the Faithfulness of the Creator
Again we are awakened every harvest to the faithfulness of the Creator. While the earth remains, harvest shall not fail. Often in the summer months one wondered if there would ever be a reaping. The days were sunless, and the rain so pitiless, and then the clouds returned after the rain. Yet now, in the appointed time, the golden sheaves are in the sanctuary, and the ancient promise is fulfilled again. In the deeper life of spirit we have to do with a faithful Creator. One may count on constancy in life when there is such splendid constancy in nature. If God keeps trust with corn, which knows no fashioning in His image, He is not likely to break trust with His children. Our blessed Lord was greatly daring, and spoke of the faith of a grain of mustard-seed. Did you ever quietly ask yourself what is the faith of a grain of mustard-seed? It is the faith, through cheerless days, when the sun is hidden and the rain is dripping, that its little flowers are to bloom and to be perfected. Unregarded by the eye of man, untended by any human skill, unsheltered from the storm, exposed to the fury of the elements, that weed keeps on keeping on, in the inborn hopefulness of heaven, and that is the faith of the grain of mustard-seed. All faith roots in the faithfulness of God. We only trust the trustworthy. One of the encouragements of harvest, to all whose faith is flickering, is its message of the faithfulness of heaven.
Harvest Reminds Us That Man Cannot Live by Bread Alone
Again we are reminded by the harvest that man cannot live by bread alone. Bread is needed if man is to exist; more is needed if he is to live. If bread were all that man required, we should never have had the wonder of the harvest-field. Heaven would have rained bread upon the earth, as it rained manna on the wilderness. The beauty of the harvest-field, with all its golden glory in the autumn, is the silent acknowledgment of heaven that man cannot live by bread alone. So when man makes his waterway he rules the straight line of the canal; but when God makes His waterway, He hollows it in the highland brook. And the brook wanders through the heather, and sleeps in pools and ripples on the pebbles; it is water set to beauty and to song. No poet ever wrote on a canal, but Tennyson caught his music from the brook. Yet probably the water in the brook is the same as flows in the canal. It is the way of giving, the heavenly overplus, the recognition of spiritual cravings, which is the hallmark of God's gifts bestowed for the cravings of the body. The body does not need the harvest-glory, nor the song and beauty of the brook. Why then does heaven give like this? I find no answer to that question save in the knowledge of the great Creator that man cannot live by bread alone.
Harvest Reminds Us How God Requires the Services of Man
Harvest too, reminds us how God requires the services of man. Gifts, however freely given, are ours on the basis of copartnership. We call bread the gift of God. In such language we are taught to pray. Science could no more set a loaf upon the table than it could set a daisy on the lea. But if, in a dull fatalism, we left the giving of the loaf to God, omnipotence itself would be unequal to furnishing the staff of life. Bread needs the sower and the reaper. It needs the hands of miller and of baker. The farmer calls for God, and God calls for the farmer. It is that copartnership, that fellowship, that sense of being laborers together, that lies deep in the joy of harvest, as it lies deep in the joy of life.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
e-sword devotional
March 2
Putting First Things First
Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness— Mat_6:33
Necessity of Order
The more narrowly one looks on life, the more one sees the necessity of order. The quality of life largely depends on the right ordering of its interests. When our Lord said, Seek ye first the kingdom, He was not speaking with contempt of other interests. He who had been the Carpenter of Nazareth knew that man must toil for daily bread. He was enforcing that infinite love of order which Fenelon noted long ago as one of the characteristics of His life. The land of the shadow of death, says Job, is a land of darkness without any order (Job_10:22). In that ineffectual and dreary realm things are tossed and tumbled in confusion. But He who came to give us life abundant insists upon the ordering of our interests, and says to us, Seek ye first the Kingdom. Put first things first, and life is like a melody. Virtue is love's order, says St. Augustine. Put secondary things in the first place, and life goes down into the glen of weeping. It is that condition of victorious living which the Lord is emphasizing in our text.
Putting First Things First
This divine necessity for order might be illustrated from many spheres. One might think, for instance, of the student. When a student enters a class of the humanities there are two ambitions he may set before himself. He may be bent on grasping the spirit of a literature, or he may be bent on the securing of a prize. He may be eager to enrich his being through converse with the immortal dead, or he may covet his name upon the prize list. Now there is nothing mean in seeking to be a prizewinner. It is a perfectly laudable ambition. Even the great apostle of the Gentiles had an eye to the prize of his high calling. But whenever the thought of prizewinning comes first, when it becomes the dominating passion, then the student misses that enriching which is the peculiar gift of the humanities. It is not a case of intellectual failure. It is really a case of moral failure. Putting what should be second in the first place induces a certain blindness of the heart. A man is out of touch with a great literature, as he is out of touch with a great God, when self has the first in his program.
A Doctor Should Put His Patients, Not Fees, First
Again, we might illustrate this need of order in our various callings and professions. Take, for instance, the man who is a doctor. The difference between a good and a bad doctor is not that the good one never thinks of fees. If he never thought of fees he would be a fool, for the laborer is worthy of his hire. The difference lies in what the man puts first, in what is primary in his profession, in what is the dominant interest in his calling. Let a doctor put the thought of money first, let his first consideration be his fees, and, for all the brilliance of his gifts, he is unworthy of his high vocation. But let him put his patients in the first place; let his primary ambition be to heal, and then, though he be ignorant of brilliance, he is an honorable member of his calling. The strange thing is that when a doctor puts the fees first, his character invariably degenerates. Probably he is half-conscious of it, but other people are not unconscious of it. Something goes—some-thing is always lost—some touch of what is brotherly and beautiful, and lost through the disorder of his interests. He is not sinning as a drunkard sins. He is only putting first what should be second. He is perfectly entitled to his fees. He is not entitled to give his fees the primacy. And the narrowing that always follows upon that, and the sneer with which common people talk of it, is a tribute to that perfect wisdom which inspires the moral teaching of our Lord.
People, Not Things, Should Be Our First Consideration
I think, too, the world has yet to learn this lesson in our industrial and commercial life. Take, for instance, the case of some great company. Now, the shareholders in that company have a perfect right to get interest on their shares. Many a lonely woman could not live but for the dividends she gets on her investments. But so long as the thought of interest comes first, to the exclusion of all else, we can never hope to have a Christian country. So long as people insist on a high interest and are careless of how the workmen live; so long as they regard these workmen as simply a means to bring them in their interest; so long, though every shareholder be a respected member of the Church, we can never expect to have a Christian land. Men were not just means to Jesus Christ. The poorest and the humblest was an end. The lowliest toiler was of an infinite value to which the wealth of companies is nothing. And until the common, careless, unconcerned shareholder learns to put first the man who makes the interest, the Kingdom of God is never going to come.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
My Utmost for His Highest
Have you ever been alone with God?
(Jan. 13)
"When He was alone. . . the twelve asked Him about the parable."
(Mark 4:10)
His Solitude with Us. When God gets us alone through suffering, heartbreak, temptation, disappointment, sickness, or by thwarted desires, a broken friendship, or a new friendship----when He gets us absolutely alone, and we are totally speechless, unable to asked even one question, then He begins to teach us. Notice Jesus Christ's training of the twelve. It was the disciples, not the crowd outside, who were confused. His disciples constantly asked Him questions, and He constantly explained things to them, But they didn't understand until after they received the Holy Spirit (see John 14:26).
As you journey with God, the only thing He intends to be clear is the way he deals with your soul. The sorrows and difficulties in the lives of others will be absolutely confusing to you. We think we understand another person struggle until God reveals the same shortcomings in our lives. There are vast areas of stubbornness and ignorance in the holy Spirit has to reveal in each of us. but it can only be done when Jesus gets us alone. Are we alone with Him now? Or are we more concerned with our own ideas, friendships, and cares for our bodies? Jesus cannot teach us anything until we quiet all our intellectual questions and get alone with Him.
My Utmost for His Highest
Have you ever been alone with God?
(Jan. 12)
"When they were alone, He explained all things to His disciples".
(Mark 4:34)
Our Solitude with Him. Jesus doesn't take us aside and explain things to us all the time; He explains things to us as we are able to understand them. The lives of others are example for us, but God requires us to examine our own souls . It is a slow work---so slow that it takes God all of time and eternity to make a man or woman conform to His purpose. We can only be used by God after we allow Him to show us the deep, hidden areas of our own character. It is astounding how ignorant we are about ourselves! We don't even recognized the envy, laziness, or pride within us when we see it. But Jesus will reveal to us everything we have held within ourselves before His grace began to work.
How many of us learned to look inwardly with courage?
We have to get rid of the idea that we understand ourselves. That is always the last bit of pride to go. The only One who understands us is God. The greatest curse in our spiritual life is pride.If we have ever had a glimpse of what we are like in the sight of God, we will never say, "Oh, I 'm so unworthy." We will understand that this goes without saying. But as long as there is any doubt that we are unworthy, Jesus, can't teach us anything. He will allow us t experience heartbreak or the disappointment we feel when our intellectual pride is wounded. He will reveal numerous misplaced affections or desires---things over which we never thought He would have to get us alone. Many things are shown to us, often without effect. But when God gets us alone over them, they will be clear.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
My Utmost for His Highest
What My Obedience to God Costs Other People
(Jan. 11)
"As they led Him away, they laid hold a certain man, Simon..., and on Him they laid the cross that he might bear it after Jesus."
(Luke 23:26).
If we obey God, it is going to cost other people more than it costs us, and that where the pain begins. If we are in love with our Lord, obedience does not cost us anything---it is a delight. But to those who do not love Him, our obedience does cost a great deal. If we obey God, it will mean that other people's plans are upset. They will ridicule us as if to say, "You call this Christianity?" We could prevent the suffering, but not if we are obedient to God. We must let the cost be paid.
When our obedience begins to cost others, our human pride entrenches itself and we say, "I will never accept anything from anyone." But we must, or disobey God. We have no right to think that the type of relationships we have with others should be nay different from those the Lord Himself had ( see Luke 8:1-3).
A lack of progress in our spiritual life results when we try to bear all the costs ourselves. And actually, we cannot. Because we are all so involved in the universal purposes of God, others are immediately affected by our obedience to Him. Will we remain faithful in our obedience to God and be willing to suffer the humiliation of refusing to be independent? Or will we do just the opposite and say, "I will not cause other people to suffer"? We can disobey God if we choose, and it will bring immediate relief to the situation, but it will grieve our Lord. If, however, we obey God, He will care for those who have suffered the consequences of our obedience. We must simply obey and leave all the consequences with Him.
Beware o0f the inclination to dictate to God what consequences you would allow as a condition of your obedience.
My Utmost for His Highest
The Opened Sight
(Jan. 10)
"I now send you, to open their eyes... that they may receive forgiveness of sins...."
(Acts 26:17-18).
This verse is the greatest example of the true essence of the message of a disciple Christ in all of the New Testament.
God's first sovereign work of grace is summed up in the words, "...that they may receive forgiveness of sins..." When a person fails in his personal Christian life, it is usually because he has never received anything. The only sign that a person is saved is that he has received something from Jesus Christ. Our job as workers for God is to open people's eyes so that they may turn themselves from darkness to light. But that is not salvation; it is conversion---only the effort of an awakened human being. i do not think it is too broad a statement to say that the majority of so-called Christians are like this. Their eyes are open, but they have received nothing. Conversion is not regeneration. This is a neglected fact in our preaching today. When a person is born again, he knows that it is because he has received something as a gift from Almighty God and not because of his own decision. People may make vows and promises, and may be determined to follow through, but none of this is salvation. Salvation means that we are brought to the place where we are able to receive something from God on the authority of Jesus Christ, namely, forgiveness of sins.
This is followed by God's second mighty work of grace: "...and inheritance among those who are sanctified..." In sanctification, the one who has been born again deliberately gives up his right to himself to Jesus Christ, and identifies himself entirely with God's ministry to others.
My Utmost for His Highest
Prayerful Inner-searching
(Jan. 9)
"May your whole spirit, soul,and body be preserved blameless... "
(1 Thessalonians 5:23).
"Your whole spirit..." The great, mysterious work of the Holy Spirit is in the deep recesses of our being which we cannot reach. Read Psalm 139. The psalmist implies--"O Lord, You are the God of the early mornings, the God of the late nights, the God of the mountain peaks, and the God of the sea. But, my God, my soul has horizons further away than those of the early mornings, deeper darkness than the nights of the earth, higher peaks than any mountain peaks, greater depths than any sea in nature. You who are the God of all these, be my God. I cannot reach to the heights or to the depths; there are motives I cannot discover, dreams I cannot realize. My God, search me."
Do we believe that God can fortify and protect our thoughts process far beyond where we can go? "...the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin" (1 John 1:7). If this verse means cleansing only on our conscious level, may God have mercy on us. The man who has been dulled by sin will say that he is not even conscious of it. But the cleansing from sin we experience will reach to the heights and depths of our spirit if we will "walk in the light as He is in the light" (1:7). The same Spirit that fed the life of Jesus Christ will feed the life of our spirit. It is only when we are protected by God with the miraculous sacredness of the Holy Spirit that our spirit, soul, and body can be preserved in pure uprightness until the coming of Jesus--no longer condemned in God's sight.
We should more frequently allow our minds to meditate on these great, massive truths of God.
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